Do creosote sweeping logs work?

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A creosote sweeping log has active minerals that help dry out the creosote that has built up in your flue. When you burn a creosote sweeping log the smoke is charged with additives, which rise and attach themselves to creosote deposits. Burning one creosote sweeping log in your fireplace will reduce the weight, thickness, and volatility of creosote.

The creosote sweeping log is accepted by the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Creosote sweeping logs are a useful addition to annual chimney inspections and cleanings. However, CSL’s shouldn’t take the place of regular chimney inspection and cleaning. Creosote sweeping logs cannot tell you if your chimney is blocked or if there is any structural damage.

Source: Chimney Sweep Raleigh NC | Chimney Sweep Charlotte NC

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